Category Archives: DAMOC

All information on the DAMOC project

Final Meeting and Dissemination Conference

Our final project meeting took place at Stellenbosch University from June 7-11, 2021. Due to the ongoing travel restrictions implied by COVID-19, the meeting took place online and in presence. An important event during the final meeting was the Dissemination Conference on June 9. The aim of the Dissemination Conference was to showcase the DAMOC Project, its successes and identified challenges in the development of human capacity for the diffusion of Smart Grid Technology in the African context. Very interesting talks were presented by the two keynote speakers: Dipl.-Inf. Martin Adolph (ITU, Switzerland) and Prof Germano Lambert-Torres (FIEEE, Gnarus Institute, Brazil).

The Conference proceedings are available here.

We wish to thank our partners from SU for the organization of the final meeting and the Dissemination Conference!

Lab Equipment at UP

The lab at UP was equipped with desktop computers in order to increase the quality of the educational experience of the students, and the productivity of the faculty who teach the courses that use this lab. The officla hand-over and the representation of the lab took place at the project meeting at UP in September 2019.

Exchange Student at TU Dresden

The final student in the DAMOC student exchange just finished her stay at TU Dresden.

The Master’s student, studying Renewable Energy, from Stellenbosch University visiting TU Dresden to get exposure on Smart Grid Technology. Her activities included taking courses at the computer science as well as the economics department. The knowledge gained at the economics department was on stakeholder management which is essential for sustainable technology development.

Further, she took a project which was focused on the challenges slowing deployment of wireless sensor networks for smart grid networks which range from big data management to energy resource constraints and data reliability. The project further studied the new opportunities generated by these challenges; the big data management issue, stream processing on fog computer architecture was presented and micro- energy harvesting, i.e. vibrations and magnetic fields along the electrical power infrastructure to overcome the resource constraints challenges. Overall, the entire experience encouraged her to further research on this field.