Category Archives: Publication

Publication at ICEBE

A paper titled “The design of a Masters curriculum in Smart Grid Technology within the Erasmus + K2 DAMOC projectby Prof Anthony Staak and Prof Raynitchka Tzoneva was presented at the 11th International Conference on Engineering and Business Education (ICEBE) which was hosted by the University of Szczecin, in Szczecin Poland from 15th – 17th October 2018.

The conference covered a wide range of topics related to engineering and business education from innovative methods, multimedia applications and knowledge management in engineering and business education to social entrepreneurship and cooperation between academia and business.

This paper was presented in a parallel session with the theme “New Curriculum Development” and dealt with the curriculum challenges experienced in the design and development of the new master programme on smart grid technology at CPUT.

The paper was generally well received, though most of the questions related to the parastatal power utility, ESKOM, its position on renewable energy and the challenges it would encounter integrating renewables into the grid.