Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)


The TUD is one of eleven German universities that were identified by the German government as an ‘excellence university’. TUD has about 37.000 students, 4.400 publicly funded staff members – among them over 500 professors – and approximately 3.500 externally funded staff members, and, thus, is the largest university in Saxony, today. TUD is strong in research and provides first-rate programmes with an overwhelming diversity, with close ties to culture, industry and society. Having been committed to sciences and the engineering before the reunification of Germany, TUD now is a multi-discipline university, also offering humanities and social sciences as well as medicine, organized in 14 faculties under the roof of 5 schools, making it one of a very few in Germany. As a “synergetic university” TUD closely cooperates with external research institutions, cultural, industrial and social organisations. The TUD is embedded in the DRESDEN concept network, which bundles and uses all synergies of Dresden’s numerous scientific and cultural institutes – 6 Fraunhofer-, 3 Leibnitz- and 3 Max-Planck-Institutes, 1 Helmholtz center, two universities and several technical and cultural collections, museums, libraries and governmental institutes. The TUD prides itself for its international flair and has partnerships with more than 70 universities worldwide. TUD’s strategic goals can be found in four fields of action: The internationalisation of studying, teaching and research, establishing general conditions for the internationalisation of teaching and research and improving TUD’s position on the international stage.

The Chair of Privacy and Data Security works on all aspects of privacy, protecting the data of users from undue processing, transferring, and storing. In particular, the chair is active in the areas of network security, secure ICT systems, privacy-preserving data analysis, and surveillance prevention.

The European Project Center (EPC)  has been established at TUD to support international project management throughout all phases of EU-funded projects. This is made possible by our team, who is experienced in European project management and able to advise on and operate expertly in a wide range of areas that qualify for assistance. As a Unit of the Directorate for Research Promotion and Transfer at TU Dresden, our consultancy and management services are available to all researchers.