An article about our project meeting November 2018 in Arusha was published at the website of Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi.
Category Archives: Articles
Article about Teaching Staff Training in Sweden
An article about our Teaching Staff Training in the end of 2017 was published at the website of Karlstad University.
The article can be accessed here in English.
EPC Meeting
During a meeting at the European Project Center in Dresden our project was mentioned as an example for an Erasmus+ project. The meeting focused on informations regarding EU projects and in the presentation about Erasmus+ projects DAMOC was mentioned as one example of running Erasmus projects at TU Dresden. The Agenda of the meeting is available here (German).
Article about DAMOC in TUD University Newspaper
An article about the DAMOC project was published in the university newspaper (‘Dresdner Universitätsjournal’) of TU Dresden.
The full article is available here in German (page 7).
Article from KAU about the Project
An article about the DAMOC project was published at website of Karlstad University.
The full article can be accessed here in English.